Thesis/Dissertation Writing
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For any field of study, we have professionals who can help you write a great dissertation for you to succeed at Diploma and Bachelors, Post-graduate Diploma and Masters’ level.
Topic Selection
We help you to come up with a research topic which meets your area of interest and also satisfies the requirements of your university. We make sure we work with you through this initial process to ensure that your topic aligns with your intellectual curiosities in an area which you would like to research about. We then take you through the necessary steps to help you get your topic approved.
Proposal Writing
After your topic is approved, we help you get down to drafting a research proposal. WE have professionals in every field, therefore you will be sure that we will place your research project in the hands of the best, most experienced person, who will come up with a proposal that meets the requirements of your University. Once the proposal is finished, we will furnish you with the finer details in your proposal to help you familiarize yourself with it and own it before you submit it. We commit ourselves to do all the necessary follow-up, and address whatever comments or adjustments suggested by your supervisors until your proposal I approved.
Data Collection
We help you prepare the data collection tools and also throughout the data collection exercise in the field. We guide you and make sure you come up with data that is accurate, reliable and relevant to help you come up with a competent research report that will pass any test, whether content, format or originality. After collecting the data, we will clean it for errors and make the appropriate preparations to ready it for analysis.
Report/thesis Writing
We will analyze your data using the techniques directed by your university, interpret it according to your university guidelines, and generate results in acceptable formats as per the directions of your university. We will also tailor your final thesis report to your supervisors’ direction and adjust it accordingly where need arises, until it’s fully approved. The whole dissertation writing process is fully customized to your needs, designed to meet your submission date, whether you want it delivered to you chapter by chapter or wholesome